AQURON® CRS 7000 - 5 US Gal (18.9L)
Pricing: USD
Coverage: 150 - 200 s.f. per US gallon
Data Sheets: TDS, SDS
AQURON® CRS-7000™ is a concrete soluble chloride reducer for the protection and waterproofing of concrete. It is an odorless, clear to green, nontoxic, non-petroleum, water borne solution that is environmentally safe and user friendly.
Aquron Colloidal Silicate Hydrogel
- seals the concrete
- densifies and strengthens it
- fills pore spaces with extra silica
Silica is one of the most important strengthening components in concrete paste.
(Sample Orders Only. Bulk purchasing also available: 55 / 330 gallon drums / bulk containers. Contact to order or for more details.)
Aquron CRS-7000 - 5 Gal (18.9 L)
AQURON® CRS-7000™ spray applied nano-silica treatment. AQ-CRS-7K is a deeply penetrating chloride reduction solution for concrete intended as the primary treatment to a concrete structure at risk. AQ-CRS-7K depletes internal soluble chloride, demonstrates activity against acids, corrosive gases, and more. An impermeable (hydrogel) chemical barrier is formed from within, 5 - 7 inches deep depending upon inherent concrete porosity.